A retrospective analysis showed numerous complaints from the team regarding meetings.
To better understand the situation, I asked my teammates to provide their calendars from the past month so I could analyze the frequency of developer meetings. So, I notice, that:
* As is often the case in large corporations, there
Let's continue with questions that I heard during interviews about the engineering manager role.
When you are stuck, do you ask for help? Think about examples from your previous experience
I adapt to the processes and requirements set by my manager. However, I prefer to keep my manager
I like PlantUML for its super-simple syntax that allows me to create visualizations for complex operations or flows. Sometimes, a sequence diagram is needed to remove space between messages. And PlantUML supports it!
Just define !pragma teoz true, and the new Teoz engine processes a diagram. Add & to the
Most developers don't like to write documentation. They find it boring. Especially if there is no documenting culture in a company. In the meantime, the same developers usually complain that there is no proper description of a company's services and architecture.
Raising the culture of documentation
I think that elaborating on interview questions for the Engineering manager role is an interesting topic. Especially because I'm looking for a new job now, and I sometimes have an interview, and I note questions.
Let's go with the first set of questions I noted this