Engineering Managers Tools

I continue reading James Stanier's "Become an Effective Software Engineering Manager", and I made some notes regarding the second chapter. One of the keys to success is to organize yourself. James recommends tools: * A calendar is an essential instrument for planning activities for every day. * A

First Week as an Engineering Manager

I'm reading James Stanier's "Become an Effective Software Engineering Manager" book, which my mentor recommended. I would like to have some notes and my additional thoughts somewhere. I assume that this blog is the perfect place. The book's first chapter is dedicated

Tough situation examples

During one of my interviews, questions appeared about my experience resolving tough situations in a team. I have much experience working with teams, but I used to work in a toxic environment. So, any toughness was normal. Anyway, I remember some good examples. Continuous struggling As part of a backoffice

Am I sure?

What are the duties of an engeneering manager? Why a company need this role? And the most important question for my is am I understand what I would do and want it? To help me navigate a career challenge, my wife recommended that I find a mentor. I searched for

Let's have one more attempt

I have chosen a career path to become a CTO through an Engineering Manager role in a corporation. Of course, I know that the easiest way to become a CTO is to create your own startup.😁 Finally, I want to achieve the desired role by working in a big company