Heat pump subsidy in the Netherlands
I live in the Netherlands. Recently I installed a heat pump. Here it is called "warmtepomp". And then I asked for a subsidy for it.
The reason for writing this note is that it is a simple process without a clear starting point to ask for the subsidy.
The link below provides all the details about the subsidy. In the "ISDE aanvragen: warmtepomp" section, there is a link to a portal where you need to create a profile to receive the subsidy. Then, you'll need to fill out an application form with several questions. You'll also need to prepare an invoice from the company that installed the heat pump and a bank statement as proof of payment. Some more checkboxes and input fields, and voilà, the request for a subsidy is sent to the government!
ISDE: Warmtepomp woningeigenaren
Subsidie voor woningeigenaren voor een (hybride) warmtepomp. Met de Investeringssubsidie duurzame energie en energiebesparing (ISDE) vraagt u subsidie aan voor een (hybride) warmtepomp. Op deze pagina vindt u de voorwaarden waar u aan moet voldoen om deze subsidie aan te vragen.